Sunday, February 7, 2010

It's time for a celebration!

Happy First Sweater To Me, Happy First Sweater To Me, Haaaappy First Sweater To Meeee, Happy Sweater, To Meeeeeeee.

So, did you guess it yet?  I finished my first sweater! Tea Leaves Cardigan by Madelinetosh.

Jon took about 8 pictures of me, and this is the only one I would even consider posting in a public forum, so it's all you're getting, unless someone trains Jon to take better photos! ( I may admit too, that I'm not good at "posing" for photos) .

So other things worth noting:  I have an economics final tomorrow, been studying all night tonight! Also, as if having an economics final wasn't torture enough, I have an appointment to get my taxes done as well... 

But, here's the good stuff:  I do have another sweater on the needles, it's the Tree Jacket from Zephyr Style.  I don't have pictures yet, but I will, I promise.  All is going well on this venture.  I really like making sweaters, but I'm thinking more and more about socks.  It's probably time soon.  

And, here's where I need your help! I have about 1200 yards of Malabrigo worsted, single ply, merino wool (need an xl out of that).  I'm not sure what to do with it.... so I'm welcoming any and all suggestions please! Here's a picture so you know what we've got to work with: 

Why don't you have another picture?  Just for the heck of it: 


  1. nice!!! looks awesome!!!!

    can you make a cast bootie??

  2. I could, but by the time it was finished and mailed you'd probably have your cast off!

  3. Happy first sweater to you Lauren! looks beautiful!...and here a message from Chris:(always ready for very clever suggestions!)"how about a nice cosy Malabrigo wool nappy holder for Mr Samuel !?" :) btw That wool looks fantastic, I can see something like a good warm poncho ?
